Nearly one year ago, we challenged our faithful followers to take part in a grueling competition – a daunting set of trivia questions designed to boggle and befuddle even the hardest of the hardcore – and, in return, we offered heaps of sweet swag as prize-like incentives.  The results?  Tons o’ fun was had by those who DID enter the contest, and a precious few even answered a bulk of the questions…but, the final entry tally was left more than a little to be desired.




With the Broken Saints global fan-base reaching well into the 5-figure range, we wanted to have a competition that would include people of ALL backgrounds – not just those with photographic memories, video capture cards, and obsessive compulsive behaviours – therefore, another ‘jeopardy fest’ was out of the question.  Instead, we hope to draw upon the great reservoir of creative juices in the BS community by making our Big Summer Contest a true competition…WITHOUT RULES.




Weren’t you reading?  THERE AREN’T ANY RULES!!!  Ok…ok…it’s not complete anarchy - there is ONE rule; whatever you decide to submit to us must have a Broken Saints theme, or somehow relate to the characters, storylines, mythology, or ‘feeling’ of the series.  YOU must decide how to harness your creative prowess, but trust us – the submissions made with the most love, attention to detail, and saintly ‘vibedness’ will undoubtedly reach the Winners’ Circle.




Already stuck?  Clueless?  Can’t think of ANYTHING to make you stand out from the crowd?  Hmm…looks like you could be screwed.  But hey, it doesn’t hurt to clear your mind and think positive thoughts, right?  So while you’re busy chanting through your third eye, here’s a couple of things that MIGHT impress the BS Crew (although you’re sure to get extra points for originality!):


  1. ANDREW MIGHT WANT:  a hand-drawn or painted movie/series poster, a saintly character sculpture or homemade action figure, an animation sequence for your favourite character, or even a deck of swanky BS playing cards!
  2. IAN MIGHT DIG:  a mock-BS Flash movie that pays homage to the saints, a BS game or nifty software app we can share with the fans, or a wacky BS music video with dope effects and super ninja editing techniques!
  3. TOBIAS MIGHT LIKE: a BS song, a BS opera, a BS symphony…you name it!
  4. BROOKE MIGHT FANCY:  an actual BS comic, a saintly short film starring you and your friends, a graduate thesis on the social and cultural themes in BS, or some intense poetry/rants/stories inspired by the Broken ones.


These are all good ideas.  Combinations of these are great ideas.  Completely original creative tangents that we’d never expect or dream of are even BETTER.  Anything that makes us laugh/cry/scream/pray/applaud continuously will surely be rewarded.




As is often the case with this type of thing, we’ll be tempted to buckle and give a prize to everyone who enters.  Sadly, you all know our money situation – so we’re going to have to tighten our belts and be frugal.  We will TRY to send a little something for your efforts, but please don’t count on it (heck, we still haven’t scraped up the dough to mail thank-you letters to the fans who have donations!  L).


The Big Broken Saints Summer Contest will have TEN WINNERS, with each member of the saintly crew judging the entrants in order to reach a unanimous ranking order.  The outline of the various rankings and prizes is as follows*:


Ø      FIVE 3rd Place Winners:  BS Swag Collection (temporary tattoos, promo cards, signed posters, and more!), Tobias Tinker “Passage” Poster/CD/DVD set, the all-in-one BS Website-on-a-Disc (all chapters and web content on a self-contained disc), and a fan profile on our Contest Winners Page!!!


Ø      THREE 2nd Place Winners:   all of the above PLUS – a signed original piece by Andrew West, Volume One of the BS Soundtrack signed by Tobias Tinker, A BS Chapter shot-list and script signed by Brooke Burgess, and the BS Benefit Concert DVD signed by Ian Kirby.


Ø      ONE 1st Place Winner: all of the above PLUS – Volume Two of the BS Soundtrack, a signed Broken Saints Teaser Movie Poster, a RANT on the BS website, your pick (any 1 item) from the Saintly Shop…and Part One (chapters 1-6) of Broken Saints in full-screen DVD**!!!


Ø      ONE GRAND PRIZE WINNER:  all of the above (the BS Swag, the Tobias Tinker goodies, the BS Website Disc, the Fan Profile, the signed creator gifts, the soundtracks, the movie poster, the RANT space, the BS Café Press treat) PLUS – the complete 4-Part Broken Saints DVD Box Set** and a phone call from the BS Crew!!!


Oh…and one more thing:


By submitting your picture (as a contest entry condition), the Grand Prize Winner will be immortalized in a Broken Saints chapter!!!  That’s right – you will be drawn as ‘YOURSELF’ – in a ‘SPEAKING ROLE’ – in one of the last three installments of the series!!!



In the immortal words of Neo…






Ø      Your entry must be in our grubby little hands for judging by SEPT 30th/02

Ø      You must include a return address if you want to be eligible for prizes.  Additionally, your phone # and a photo of yourself are required if you are vying for the Grand Prize.

Ø      All submissions become property of the cruel and unusual proprietors of – please don’t ask us to mail it back to you (we’re too broke for prize AND submission postage ;) ).  If you need memories of your masterworks, make duplicates – or take Polaroids ;)

Ø      Any entry containing tones of hate, discrimination, cruelty, crass commercialism, or overt nationalism (US only ;) ) may be used by the creators as litter-box filler or bonfire kindling.  Of course, if that was your intention, then thanks!

Ø      Judging will take place during the month of October, with the winners being announced no later than OCTOBER 31st/02.

Ø      Prize winners will be posted on a special BS Winners page and receive their incredible saintly bounty by the end of 2002 – WORD IS BOND.**

Ø      You must have FUN.  If you’re only doing this for a prize, then fly to Burbank and line up for the Price is Right tapings.  Bob Barker might even touch you.***





#302-230 West 4th Street

North Vancouver, BC


V7M 1H6


*final swag list subject to change based on availability – don’t worry, we won’t shaft you.


** The release of the BS DVD Box Set is subject to fan interest.  If the set somehow fails to reach production, or it falls behind in schedule, we will still provide you with all 24 Chapters on 4 homemade DVDs.  Delivery date of the set is subject to change.


*** is not responsible for disappointment surrounding the likely death of Bob Barker.  Go touch your damn self.